Subject: Re: booting off of second partition of second IDE drive?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Irving Reid <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/18/1996 10:15:59
> I have a friend who wants to load NetBSD onto the second partition of
> his second IDE drive. How can one get NetBSD to easily boot that way?
> Are there multiboot programs like os-bs that would support that
> cleanly?
I use BootEasy 1.4. I've used it on both SCSI and IDE drives (though
not on a mixed system), and it has never caused me any problems.
I just did a quick archie search for "bteasy14", and it looks like
there's a copy in every FreeBSD archive on the net...
- irving -