Subject: Re: i386 NetBSD port of tcpdump ?
To: Matthew B. Wood <>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/25/1996 22:54:02
>I'm no C whiz by any means, and I'm wondering if anyone has ported the
>popular 'tcpdump' source to NetBSD. It does support 386-bsd, but even
>tweaking the Makefile and header files wasn't good enough, at least the way
>I did them. :)
Am I missing something here, like a new tcpdump version?
tcpdump version 3.0 source and binaries (including libpcap) are shipped with
netbsd, and have been there since (I think) before NetBSD 1.0.
% which tcpdump
% cat /usr/src/usr.sbin/tcpdump/version.c
/* $NetBSD: version.c,v 1.2 1995/03/06 19:11:56 mycroft Exp $ */
char version[] = "3.0";
Phillip F Knaack
Database Programmer, NCREMP Student Development Group
ISU Extension Project Vincent, Iowa State University