Subject: Re: ASUS P/I-P55TP4N comments wanted
To: VaX#n8 <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/09/1996 08:43:59
>I'm looking at picking up one of these boards, or possibly the
>P55T2P4, which takes 64MB SIMMS, coast modules, uses the i430HX chip set
>instead of i430FX, and can do ECC but costs 50% more.
I have a P55TP4N. It's a great board. Very fast. My only complaint
is that I would like one more useable slot, and maybe six SIMM sockets
instead of four.
It runs Windows NT very well for me, which should be about as
demanding as a Unix. Although I personally haven't run any Unix on
it, the reason I bought it was because ASUS was the most often
recommended board on the FreeBSD and NetBSD newsgroups.
>I'd like any comments people have on these newer ASUS mboards.
>Do these boards have the remove-the-floppy-drive-you-don't-have-so-your
>ethernet-can-work bug?
No idea. I don't have anything like that happen on my 486 with the
floppy controller on my BusLogic SCSI controller, and I don't remember
seeing it happen on any of the Dell NetBSD boxes at work. Which leads
me to believe that it's not very common, though I could be wrong about
I know *many* others use ASUS motherboards for NetBSD and FreeBSD, so
you should be in good company.
Michael L. VanLoon
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