Subject: Re: Serial changes 1.1-current
To: Kent Vander Velden <>
From: Bert Driehuis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/11/1996 15:06:52
> I completely agree with Phil. Even with an OS like NetBSD
>(multi-user) I cannot believe that a little serial communication is too
>much for the machine. I fail to see why NetBSD has this problem with
>serial communication when other OSes do not appear to. I never remember
>Linux complaining about SILO anything.
Just surround the warning printf with #if 0 ... #endif, and the behaviour
will be compatible. :-)
BSDI had this problem as well, and they fixed it by removing the printf,
adding a counter to the softc, and reporting the lossage on device close.
One problem of printfing it when it happens is that it aggravates the
problem: kernel printf runs at elevated spl, so for a considerable number
of microseconds no interrups are processed.
I must admit not having looked at the current com driver for ages, so I
dunno if this is a relevant remark at present.
-- Bert Driehuis
Bert Driehuis God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, courage to change the things I
can, and the wisdom to know the difference.