Subject: Network Configuration
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Roberts <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/14/1996 21:27:04
Howdy !
Problems Problems.
Thanks to Wayne Berke for helping with the Network prob. I have the O'Reily
book and have read most of it. That's cool !. I think the problem stems back
up the tree (before BIND gets a look in). The basic network configurations
is what I need help with. When I installed NetBSD on my HP9000/350 (rest
it's sole !) the installation notes briefly explained getting the network
happening eg. /etc/hosts, /etc/mygate etc, etc files. The i386 port notes
seem to be void of any such hints.
Any help would be appreciated.
A half configured network is pretty useless !
Steve Roberts
Rising Sun Pictures P/L Tel - 618 364 6074
42 High Street Fax - 618 361 2298