Subject: Re: Problems after upgarding to 32M
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Jeff Thieleke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/1996 00:54:28
> >I recently aquired a couple of 8M SIMMs to increase my system's memory up
> >to 32M. However, NetBSD 1.1B will not work now, and panics with a "ptdi:"
> >message right after "biomask, netmask, ttymask" when I boot with 32M
> >installed.
> Did you edit /usr/include/sys/param.h and increase MAXBSIZE, by any
> chance? I got a "ptdi:" panic after upgrading from 16M to 48M, although
> it happened after printing the "real mem =" line. Recompiling a kernel
> with MAXBSIZE set back down to the default 16384 fixed things for me...
Yes! Give the man a cupie doll! I increased MAXBSIZE, ironically enough,
to avoid panics when accessing my DOS partitions. Reducing it from
MAXPHYS to 16384 fixed my 32M panics, but I'm back to "allocbuf: buffer
larger than MAXBSIZE requested" panics when accessing DOS partitions.
Hopefully a compromise can be found now...
Thanks for the solution!
Jeff Thieleke