Subject: Re: monitorless/keyboardless netbsd config?
To: Ernst du Toit <>
From: J. Maynard Gelinas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/1996 09:34:33
On Fri, 17 May 1996, Ernst du Toit wrote:
> If you want no video card in the box, make sure the BIOS support no video
> adapter.
> As for the keyboard, I just close my eyes and jam the plug in while the box
> is on to gain keyboard access - done that a few times now and the
> motherboard still talks to the keyboard. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK :-)
At your own risk is right. At a place I used to work we had four
NetBSD boxes hooked up to one head and one keyboard through a switchbox.
One day we switched it to one machine and *POOF!* no keyboard interface on
the motherboard. Lucky we had another MB floating around. The console
was used extensively by NOC personel. I'd recomend against jamming
keyboards in on live computers - hell, after this I'd recomend aginsnt
using switchboxes.