Subject: Multiple monitors and At/lantic ethernet card
To: None <>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/20/1996 15:52:06
>>>>> "Matthieu" == Matthieu Herrb <> writes:
Matthieu> You wrote (in your message from Fri 17)
>> Does NetBSD support running with multiple video cards/monitors and
>> can I generally even have multiple video cards in one pc ?
Matthieu> In text mode, I don't really seee what it would mean...
Matthieu> Under X, it's another story:
I'll comment here since I was just considering the same thing
under BSDI (which uses the Xinside Accelerated X server by default).
From their web page and some other browsing, I found that you
could have one of <most vendor's cards> + any number of Matrox
Millenium in a system. The Matrox cards aparently auto-configure when
there's more than one. Other cards are more painful (and they had
some hints for some other specific situations).
As far as I know, the sparc port allows multiple framebuffers
of different types. I do have two cgtwo0 cards, and would be tempted
to try them both in one machine if someone assured me that it might
work, but the generic kernels generally configure up botht he cgtwo0
and bwtwo0 in my machine.
I suppose that there's nothing but a driver stopping you.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |