Subject: Re: config file line for Hayes ESP?
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/20/1996 22:37:12
>>>>>> "Thor" == Thor Lancelot Simon <> writes:
>Thor> I just found a Hayes ESP card I bought quite some time ago.
>Thor> What do I need to put in the config file to get this card
>Thor> working with the HW flow control and larger FIFO?
> While the insides of this card may be fancy, if memory serves,
>it looks just like a 16550 to software. It simply manages to never
>fill the FIFO due to it's better logic. I thought that the actual ESP
>cards were 4 ports and more...
Actually, that's how it works if you don't enable the special features
in the com driver. When you do so, you basically just set much larger
lo-water and hi-water marks for the receive FIFO (512 and 768 chars),
and send in much larger chunks (up to 1024 bytes).
The one-port cards are geniune Hayes ESP cards. I've never actually
seen a four-port card, though I almost bought a two-port.
If you're curious, look in /sys/dev/isa/com.c, for all the "#ifdef
Michael L. VanLoon
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