Subject: Re: Multi Processor Support
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/21/1996 01:37:33
> Is there work on multi-processor support. I am thinking about upgrading
>my motherboard and wondered if I should invest in a dual processor
>motherboard or not. While this is a i386 particular question I wonder about
>support for other ports as well (like Alpha).
I bought some hardware quite some time ago with the purpose of seeing this
done. It's in the SIPB office at MIT, which is a satisfactory enough place
for it, I suppose (lots of nice people get to use it). Anyone who can convince
me, however, that he would actually _do_ SMP support, would have a decent
chance of being offered it on long-term loan at the very least; anyone who
_finished_ SMP support would be quite welcome to keep the machine, as a
reward; I've certainly given away a lot of hardware for less reason.
Just a suggestion.