Subject: sd0: notqueued, error 5
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/24/1996 00:06:30
Hello all,
So what is the next step on this error? Is there a workaround
available? I am feeling very disappointed with my fine new
HP NetServer LC 5/133 w/128MB RAM when it won't even 'cp' files
from an old SCSI1 disk to a new SCSI2!! 1/2 :-)
I've shoved a 1740 into my new machine to hang the old beater
drives off long enough to migrate data over, but I would prefer to
be using the second channel on the internal AIC7770 controller.
Oh, one other thing.. Would it be a good idea to increase the
NKPDE define in pmap.h so that it will work on a 64MB machine?
Because of the broken CMOS/BIOS NetBSD won't see anymore than 64MB
without intervention (yet), but the current value of 12, causes
panics with 64MB. With 128MB I've jacked it up to 24, but I was
just guessing.