Subject: Re: com driver troubles on NetBSD/i386
To: None <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/25/1996 11:55:54
Jason Thorpe:
> Note that TTY => NET => BIO assumes a "level" interrupt scheme, where the
> i386 uses a mask. Because of slip/ppp/strip, TTY has to block NET. The
> masks are calculated at run-time based on which devices ate attached to
> which IRQs. Now, if your 3c509 shares the IRQ with your serial ports,
> NET will also block TTY, which could lead to lossage.
Well, this isn't the case on my system. All things have their own IRQ's.
But this reminds of another problem: I am setting up a 486/33 for a
customer. The machine has a 3com509 which suffers from - guess what?
yeah, overruns. Using ftp to transfer files to the 486 from a Sparc
is very slow - transfer speed is less than 100 k/s. I guess this could
be the same problem as the one with com.c - disabling the interrupts
for long periods of time. (My A3000/Hydra has the same Ethernet
problem, btw).
> I think there are some IRQs which do have priority as far as interrupting
> the CPU ... but I'm not sure of the heirarchy.
Is there an easy way to monitor the interrupt levels on the system?
Haven't got a logic analyzer..