Subject: Re: Does anybody have a 5 1/4" 1.2 Mb floppy-only system?
To: None <>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/27/1996 18:14:36
> And what happens soon when more devices end up in the system and 1.44Mb
> isn't enough? A few more network drivers and the like would do it.
> The only real solution for installs is compressed boots. Everyone
> else (Linux, FreeBSD) does them, and hopefully we will soon, too.
Another thing you might try, as we just did, is diking out the NFS
server support from the boot floppy (assuming that the boot floppy
kernel isn't also the one which is eventually installed onto the new
system). That saves you a fair amount of space, and the machine
doesn't need to be an NFS server while it's running the
installation. :-)