Subject: Re: com driver troubles on NetBSD/i386
To: None <Chris_G_Demetriou@UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU>
From: Mike Long <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/28/1996 16:27:38
>Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 16:06:18 -0400
>From: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou@UX2.SP.CS.CMU.EDU>
>The driver in question _is_ functional, at least at some basic level.
>I use it on the Alpha all the time. I'm writing this mail from a
>386/20 with a 16550, dialed in at 38.4, and i see overflows
>infrequently (i.e. on average, one silo overflow once every 15 or 20
For some hardware configurations it is NOT functional.
I have a Digicom Softmodem 144+, which emulates a 16450 UART. If I
use -current's driver (1.7?), I cannot transmit large PPP packets at
19200 bps; the transmitted data is garbled. Phil Knaack sent me a
hacked-up 1.6? vintage driver, which does not garble large PPP
packets when using my hardware. I am slowly tracking down and
eliminating differences between -current's driver and the one he sent
me, and will do so until I find the change that breaks transmission of
large PPP packets by my hardware.
Yes, I am aware that this failure is different from the reception
failures that most others see. But the fact that the older driver
works (with some interface hacking) indicates that regression has
occurred, and I think that fixing the driver should be a higher
priority than it appears to be. If machine dependencies must be
introduced, so be it.
Mike Long <> <URL:>
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