Subject: Re: Does anybody have a 5 1/4" 1.2 Mb floppy-only system?
To: Greg Earle <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/29/1996 00:52:58
On May 26, 12:59pm, Greg Earle wrote:
} > My system uses it's 1.2MB floppy drive as the boot drive and
} > to switch my drives around would be a major pain. I prefer them
} > where they are. I think the INST kernels should be stripped of
} > all unnecessary stuff. If this eliminates some important stuff
} > then perhaps /netbsd.generic* should be included in one of the
} > distribution sets.
} But does INSTADP have anything "unnecessary" at this point?
options LKM
options FDESC
options KERNFS (?)
lpt0 ...
reduce maxusers
reduce psuedo-device pty
} More to the point, does INSTADP contain anything "unnecessary" that the
} removal of same would reduce the kernel in size by more than 75k?
I'm quite sure cutting one or more of the above will get you 75K.
} We have to weigh this against the tradeoffs. If only 5 people (theorizing)
} have to swap drives once in a blue moon, is that not better than not being
} able to create 3.5" install floppies for the rest of us?
Just because only five people responded doesn't mean only five
people would have problems. Most likely many people would have
problems. Would you like to get 500 individual responses?
} Hopefully Perry will fly in to the rescue and get a compressed floppy thingie
} working before 1.2, but we're getting awfully close to that point ...
We have past feature freeze and the release is supposed to be
only a couple of weeks away.
}-- End of excerpt from Greg Earle