Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 not recognised
To: Julian Bourne <>
From: Neil J. McRae <neil@DOMINO.ORG>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/04/1996 10:22:27
On Thu, 30 May 1996 18:57:26 +1000 (EST)
Julian Bourne <> wrote:
You need make a more current boot disk.
> [also posted to comp.unix.bsd.netbsd]
> Would anyone have any idea under what circumstances the kcadp11.fs
> kernel and inst11.fs installation floppies would not recognise a PCI
> Adaptec AHA 2940 with a 1GB SeaCrate hanging off it?
> It recognises the PCI bus okay, and susses that the Adaptec is there
> and knows that its SCSI but fails to configure any sd[0-4] device at
> all. The last messages it comes up with to do with PCI/SCSI is:
> pci0 (root): configuration mode 1
> pci0 bus 0 device 0: unknown vendor/product: 0x1106/0x0505 (class: bridge, su
bclass: host, revision: 0x33) not configured.
> pci0 bus 0 device 10: unknown vendor/product: 0x5333/0x8811 (class: display,
subclass: VGA, revision: 0x00) not configured.
> pci0 bus 0 device 11: unknown vendor/product: 0x9004/0x8178 (class: mass stor
age, subclass: SCSI, revision: 0x00) not configured.
> I failed to find anything in the src/sys/arch/i386/pci and src/sys/scsi
> directories for anything that might give me a clue ...
> Thanks,
> Julian
> [yet another not-terribly-familiar-with-pc-h/w-person]
Neil J. McRae. Alive and Kicking.
The star is going to collapse in a matter of minutes.