Subject: Parallel port woes --- still not solved
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Simons <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/15/1996 21:14:23
In the meantime I have tried a gazillion IRQ and jumper settings,
kernel options and other stuff and I have managed to make the printer
work. Via /dev/lpa0 I can print.
Nonetheless I still get the "lpt0: printer offline" error from the
kernel. I have tried it with an external parallel io card and had the
same problem, so I am pretty sure that I can rule out hardware defects
or irq collisions.
Does anyone know of a bug or problem in the irq-driven parallel
driver? The polling version seems to work, even though it complains
about numerous things, such as "printer offline" or "out of paper". I
have even tried a different printer and a different cable, all with
the same result.
Any ideas?