Subject: pcvt
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/17/1996 22:14:57
Now that I've managed to get a full installation of current (as of
Friday) NetBSD sources and a new kernel, I wanted to take a look at pcvt
and set it up more to my liking (changing colors, simple stuff).
Looking at the options, I don't see any of these things, but I figured
I'd ask anyway, to see if anybody has any suggestions.
1) Is there an equivalent to "gpm"? (Linux's "general purpose mouse")
Something to allow the mouse to be used on the text console screens, for
cutting and pasting, mainly?
2) Is there any support for any sort of scroll-back buffer? I still
need to take a good look at the code, but something that'd let you view
a few pages back of screen output?
3) In fontedit, what's the "HELP" key??? =)
My original hopes were to make a few small hacks and place the "System
Load" (I'm running the HP-style setup) information on every screen, and
also placing a clock on that bottom line. However, it would seem that
the update behavior of this area has changed. It always seemed that
under 1.1, the System Load was updated at some regular interval. Now,
it only seems to get updated when output occurs on the screen. This
would be far from ideal for a clock. Could anybody give me a quick
pointer at what's changed to cause this change in behavior? I'm at this
moment printing out the diffs between 1.1's pcvt and -current's pcvt
(~20 pages of diffs), but if anybody happens to already know... =)
Thanks in advance.
Will Ferry
William O Ferry <woferry@WarpDrive.COM> | finger: woferry@WarpDrive.COM | talk: finger for online status