Subject: Re: Serial brokeness.
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dustin Sallings <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/19/1996 10:21:55
On Tue, 18 Jun 1996 wrote:
// Yeppers, spent this weekend figuring it out. You need to assert CTS/RTS
// or whatever on the port for it to work (at least on our machines..
// Intel MB 120 MHz Pentiums)--even though the kernel boots fine without
// the handshake, the bootblocks still seem to require this (anyone want
// to "fix" this, perhaps with an #ifdef? My own knowledge of i386
// assembly is inadequate (thankfully?)...) I pulled out the soldering
// iron and connected pin 4 from the terminal to pins 5 and 6 on the PC
// side (DB25--there's a DB9/DB25 converter thrown in there and a null
// modem too...)
I just took a terminal server home from work. That should be
fine. :)
-- Sysadmin My girlfriend asked me which one I like better.
pub 1024/3CAE01D5 1994/11/03 Dustin Sallings <>
| Key fingerprint = 87 02 57 08 02 D0 DA D6 C8 0F 3E 65 51 98 D8 BE
L_______________________ I hope the answer won't upset her. ____________