Subject: Intel Atlantis motherboard cache woes
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kevin M. Lahey <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/21/1996 17:09:38
I've been having some problems with caching on an Intel Atlantis
motherboard. I'm running NetBSD 1.1 with the one distributed patch.
I've been using lmbench to try to evaluate my cache speed.
When I run with the 512KB pipeline burst cache COAST module,
I get pretty horrible cache access results. In fact, I get the
same results whether or not I have the COAST module installed.
I've tried several different COAST modules with no success.
When I run with a 256KB pipeline burst cache COAST module,
the kernel panics with a page fault in supervisor mode,
usually after core dumping on the compiles that start up
lmbench. It is a little more robust when I run it at 133 MHz
rather than 166 MHz, but it still seems to panic eventually.
Any clues? Am I missing something obvious?
Kevin Lahey | Network Engineer, LAN Group
Sterling Software | NAS Systems Division
NASA Ames Research Center | Phone: (415) 604-4334
Mail Stop 258-6 |
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 | email: