Subject: Re: NetScape colors incorrect
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Laine Stump <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/22/1996 14:34:50
Michael L. VanLoon writes:
> >When I run any combination of NetScape 2.02/3.0b4 for BSD386/Linux on a
> >NetBSD 1.1 release box, the colors come out all wrong - all the reds are
> >pure blue (I didn't spend enough time comparing to pick out anything
> >else). When I run NetScape 1.12 for BSD386 on the same machine, the
> >colors are just fine.
> Netscape 2.0 for BSDI works perfectly for me. I have a Mach32 video
> board. Maybe it's a bug in the X server for your video card. I'm
> running NetBSD-current and XFree86 3.1.2, with the XF86_Mach32 server,
> of course.
Oh yeah, a detail I left out: The display is actually on another PC
running Win95 with the X-Win32 server (version 3.2.3) (which always
advertises itself as having 24 bit color, no matter what the actual
color depth of the display is). When I run NS 1.12 and 2.02 (both BSDI
versions) right next to each other, the 2.02 gets the colors all
wrong. This is the only program I've noticed that gets the colors wrong.
I haven't tried it with a different display - I'll check that out.