Subject: Re: ifaliases
To: Andrew S. Clapp <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/22/1996 18:05:51
> Is there a limit at to how many virtual hosts a
> NetBSD 1.1 box can handle? We currently have the Apache
> server serving up 45 different web sites on one machine.
> It's a cyrix 686 chip and we were wondering how many it
> can handle? Is there a limit? If so, would adding another
> ethernet interface allow twice as many?
I can't see any point in adding another ethernet interface, since
by the time you get to any reasonable number you won't be putting
the virtual hosts on that anyway.
I happily run about 70 virtual hosts on a 486-66 with 48MB of RAM.
It also does mail for about 1400 users, lots of DNS (named grows
to 15MB or more), and some shell accounts.
The virtual hosts have their own class C, and all the addresses
are aliased on the loopback interface. I just have gated broadcast
a route to that class C out the Ethernet.
If the current code for this is inefficient, I can't see it as
being a big problem. I can solve a lot of `inefficiency' by moving
from a 486-66 to, say, a P100.
Curt Sampson Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.
Vancouver, BC (604) 257-9400 De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.