Subject: Re: NetBSD DOSEMU -- questions from a prospective NetBSD user
To: Jason Downs <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/1996 11:19:23
On Mon, 24 Jun 1996, Jason Downs wrote:
> That's like someone pointing out that NetBSD wouldn't exist without the CSRG,
> and calling NetBSD childish for having based their system on one from CSRG.
Do _not_ attempt to twist this into something it isn't.
That would be true if the NetBSD team didn't share their results and
report problems, as we regularly do -- with FreeBSD, BSDI, and yes, Linux
developers. What's childish is the fact that anyone would withhold this
information from the rest of the community, and most especially the the
people they got the overwhelming majority of their code from.
> The originial 'question' was how to run a 'more secure' system, to which the
> answer is 'run OpenBSD instead'.
The original question was "I am looking at running NetBSD; what are
these security problems?" You have not answered that question. In fact,
you instead used it to blatantly advertise.
> OpenBSD takes security far, far more
> seriously then just about any other OS in existance; that's not random
> advertising either, it's a very serious statement of fact.
No, it's an opinion. You've obviously had no significant contact with the
NetBSD developers, and you have no basis for comparison.