Subject: RE: poor performances on cyrix 6x86
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/1996 19:51:02
Charles M. Hannum said:
> Manuel Bouyer <> writes:
> >
> > I have a cyrix 6x86-P150 (a 120 Mhz CPU) to test. I've run some private
> > benchamrks on this CPU, and a pentium 120. I found the p120 from 15 to
> > 50% fater in most of the case, and in all tests involving interger or
> > float calculations. According to cyrix, the 6x86 should have been faster.
> Are you using the CPUs in the same machine? If not, how big are the
> caches? What kind of cache? What speed are the memory and I/O busses
> running at? How fast is the memory? EDO, FPM? There are a huge
> number of variables that could affect performance.
> > At boot, NetBSD reports the CPU to be a "i486DX (486-class CPU)". Perhaps it
> > doesn't make use of pentium-specific stuffs ?
> Did you build the kernel with `options I586_CPU'? If not, it will be
> used like a 486. For normal applications, this won't make any
> noticable difference.
Yes, it has options I586_CPU. With a Pentium, the cpu-type is correctly
Brian de Alwis (OTT) said:
> I bought 'PC Magazine' this weekend since it had a feature on buying new PCs
> -- I wanted to refamiliarize myself with the new technology. They said that,
> from their tests, the Cyrix 6x86 performed better than the Pentium on 16-bit
> OSes, which includes Windows 95, but performed worse than the Pentium on
> 32-bit OSes such as NT.
Well, the cyrix was on an new Asus Teck P55T2P4 motherboard, as the pentium
is on an old Intel motherboard. The Asus is supposed to be faster but ...
I plugged the pentium on the Asus Teck, and re-did the tests
(with the same drive). This doesn't change significally the results.
I did'nt make any tests on 16bits apps (I don't have time to loose installing
windoze), but on 32 bits apps, the pentium is clearly better than the 6x86,
from 7% for double precision computations, 25% for integer
computations, to 60% for computations involving arrays. The only points where
the cyrix is better is on a test using the stack (for a recurcive computation).
The 6x86P150+ should be called "6x86P100-" :)
Manuel Bouyer, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, Paris