Subject: -current (1.2A-960626) snapshot available
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rob Windsor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/26/1996 20:56:01
I've generated a binary snapshot and install floppies for NetBSD/i386 and
dropped them on warped, mirror sites will pick it up in their next pulldown.
The directory is NetBSD/arch/i386/snapshot and NetBSD/arch/i386/floppies.
Be warned, the install floppies are currently 3.5" only. They will not
fit on 5.25" 1.2M floppies. This may be a problem for some of you, but
with a little help from your fellow port-i386-ers, you can probably get
it installed.
Please do not e-mail me personally for booting 5.25" flops, but instead,
post your complaints/anxieties here on port-i386 (I'm just a compiler :).
If you have problems with the binset or boot images, feel free to let me
-- Rob
Internet: Life: Rob@Sunnyvale.California.USA.Earth
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