Subject: Re: comments on i386 -1.2BETA snapshot
To: Justin T. Gibbs <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/27/1996 13:09:05
> The two busses are multiplexed by a single controller. I wouldn't expect
> much of a difference in splitting drives across the busses. You should
> also be aware that the controller only allows 4 concurrent transactions
> and that you will most certainly run into the "can't sleep waiting for
> openings" problem in NetBSD's SCSI system if you play with CCD because
> of this small number of controller resources.
Is there any hope of improvement in the future? This is a real problem
for us. CCD is just great, especially on news servers, but the SCSI
driver problems limit the number of disks to two. :-(
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