Subject: Re: boot-time panic with 128 MB of memory on NetBSD-1.0
To: None <>
From: Chris G Demetriou <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/14/1996 10:33:40
> I'm running NetBSD-1.0, and tried expanding memory from 96MB to
> 128MB. After the kernel finishes booting, it panics. This occurs
> after the various interrupt masks are printed. The panic is
> ...
> panic: ptdi 19b067
> This occurs in i386/pmap.c, line 1074.
> I've increased NKPDE to 32 and beyond (40); the kernel continues to
> panic.
(1) increasing it that much (at least in the current system) is too
much. (it may have been "WAY too much," back around 1.0... 8-)
Try smaller values, like 20.
(2) You really should be running something later than 1.0.