Subject: Re: 3c590 and NetBSD 1.2?
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Andrew Y Ng <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/05/1996 20:52:39
On Sat, 5 Oct 1996, Curt Sampson wrote:
> Have you tried them at 10 Mbps? I have two 3c595s, and I see this
> at 10 Mbps. I've not tried it at 100 Mbps, though I will soon.
Too bad CMU doesn't have 100Mbps at this piont, but we'r getting there.
> Also, how fast are your machines?
fyi, I have a Pentium Pro 200, with 64 M of RAM, I prolly mentioned this in
one of my former posts.
> There was a recent patch to the FreeBSD driver to fix a problem
> that sounds similar to ours; I'm looking into this now, and will
> be playing with it once I get another machine upgraded to 1.2.
> (Unfortunately, that may not be this week-end; the machine is at
> the office, and I'm at home with a horrible cold.)
I setup FreeBSD for my friend, we might switch cards temporarily if the 3c590
works on his server. (
Andrew Y Ng <ayn@CMU.EDU>
Carnegie Mellon University; ECE major, Music minor
campus ph: 412/862-2836; voice mail: 412/268-6700 x30027
talk: finger for online satus.
finger ayn@CMU.EDU for more info,
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