Subject: PCVT And NetBSD 1.1
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel J. O'Connor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/07/1996 20:36:21
I tried to install PCVT(after I found it ;) but couldn't do it because
it couldn't detect my keyboard! I tried two other kdbs, one about the
same age(ancient) and one new one, and they all failed, which leads me
to think its the motherboards fault. I have an M1 with a 586-100. I
tried all the kbds with SCANSET=1 & 2. Also, under XFree86, the
ctrl/shift/alt keys 'stick' sometimes, ie they behave like the caps
lock key.. but only sometimes..?!
Has anyone had similar problems?
(Is this mail in the right place?)
Finger for PGP info.