Subject: Re: where is that interrupt coming from, anyway?
To: David Weaver <>
From: Phil Knaack <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/08/1996 10:57:40
>On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, John F. Woods wrote:
>> I gather that IRQ7 is what the PC interrupt controller chip generates
>> when it sees a glitch on an IRQ line. I have changed the motherboard
>Yes. If the PIC cannot determine the source of an interrupt (the IRQ line
>is not asserted long enough), it will generate a fake IRQ7. Consult your
>Intel 8259 data sheets for more information. I left mine at home.
>If the message is only appearing upon opening or closing the device, I
>don't see much cause for worry.
I have three pee cees at home running NetBSD/OpenBSD, and all three
of them generate stray IRQs when serial devices are opened or closed.
Likewise, I've never lost data over it.
Phillip F Knaack
Database Programmer, Information Development for Extension Audiences (IDEA)
Iowa State University Extension