Subject: Re: dsp device
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/11/1996 10:41:06
> Why not use the old standard "tar" ? Are you choosing zip because
> you can delete the compressed entries without having to uncompress the
> entire stream to get at them?
No, I'm wanting to use zip because it provides random access to
compressed data. Tar interleaves metadata and data and it *sucks* for
trying to grab all files which match a certain pattern criteria.
You're forced to traverse the entire file each time or traverse it
once and build your own shadow directory structure - either way, it's
a lot of extra work for no other gain but the "comfort" of using a
familiar data format. This shortcoming is also why the current
package tools unpack everything into a temporary directory before
moving only those components which are desired into place, and that
blows blows blows. A more reasonable package data format than gzip'd
tar files would eliminate a lot of the hair on this problem.