Subject: Re: compiling the 1.2 kernel
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/22/1996 00:39:06
> However, one might also argue that the amount of time core types spend typing
> "you need to rebuild config" three or four times (each) per release cycle
> is approximately equal to the amount of time needed to implement a simple
> go/nogo version tag...
Ahh, for the "good old days" of Alistair Crooks' SNAPSHOT reports..
He did a good job of distilling the -current changes down, and listing
steps for getting a clean build. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have some
-current webpages, that list major changes from the releases. Well,
major changes WRT to building -current. Then things like the config
changes, and the ${INSTALL} changes would be listed. Having a -current
checklist is kind of convenient. I forgot to install in /usr/share/src/mk,
and I saw the commit go by on source-changes! Having a webpage, maybe
updated weekly, listing the steps needed to update from 1.2 to -current,
might be nice. On the other hand, let's not forget that -current is not
guaranteed to compile at any given time, and you're supposed to expect
trouble.. :) And, keeping a webpage accurate, would be a bit of work,
without a whole lot of return.