Subject: Re: compiling the 1.2 kernel
To: None <,>
From: Arne H. Juul <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/22/1996 14:28:47
Perry E. Metzger writes:
> Robert Niles writes:
> > config GENERIC
> >
> > I told me there were syntax errors in files.
> >
> > I'm trying to compile this using the config program compiled under
> > NetBSd 1.1 - does this make a diff??
> Yes, and its not the only thing that does.
> You cannot -- CANNOT -- build a 1.2 system using a 1.1
> userland. You have to upgrade.
If you really want to compile your way up to 1.2 it's not
impossible, but you must do userland too. I just did that
on a Sparc system running stock 1.1; there were some rough
spots in there but nothing really serious.
(To others trying this: Do tsort, make and .mk files, and the
the gnu stuff early, leave a copy of a known-working and around, and do "ldconfig" after you install the new Then use make -k a couple of times, make -k install
and another round of make -k ; make -k install. I *think*
that was about all the snags, but you should mostly be able
to fix them as you see'em...)
- Arne H. J.
("Never trust an operating system you haven't built from sources" :-)