Subject: Re: Cyrix / AMD?
To: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/29/1996 11:34:20
> Yes, the Cyrix chips seem like neat chips, and they're definitely a
> great bang for the buck.
> But don't be mistaken into thinking they're as fast, or almost as
> fast, as a Pentium Pro (running NetBSD, anyway), because they're only
> about half way there (between a comparably clocked Pentium and Pentium
> Pro).
Well, in my case, I'm looking for a relatively cheap system (because the
PPro is so expensive at the moment) and I can get a 166 MHz Cyrix a bit
cheaper than a 133 MHz Intel, so the Cyrix sounds like a good choice.
I just wanted to make sure that the Cyrix runs NetBSD without problems
and from all the messages I have received, it does.
I can run some benchmarks on the Cyrix when I get the machine (if there's
interest and I can find the source :-)
By the way, is it worth getting a 512k cache or does NetBSD run just as
well with 256k? I have no idea of how much the secondary cache size
affects performance.
Thanks to all who responded!
---> <---