Subject: Re: ntp (was clock/slew...)
To: Matthew B. Wood <>
From: Michael L. VanLoon -- <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/1996 00:48:41
>> I would like to voice my agreement here. I've been running NTP for
>> years on all of my machines, at home and at work, and it's always done
>> a very good job.
>Yep, me too. I've been running ntp since netbsd1.0 with no problems. Be
>sure to check the ntp page for the latest info and source code.
I've been running it WAY longer than that... :-)
[michaelv@MindBender]~> dir `which ntp`
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bin bin 72246 May 5 1993 /usr/sbin/ntp*
[michaelv@MindBender]~> file `which ntp`
/usr/sbin/ntp: 386BSD demand paged executable not stripped
I just have it sync against a local university once per day. Works
Michael L. VanLoon
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