Subject: Re: AHA-1542 CF
To: Tobias Weingartner <weingart@austin.BrandonU.CA>
From: Olaf Schroeder <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/18/1996 16:49:03
At 05:43 PM 12/18/96 -0600, Tobias Weingartner wrote:
>No, you don't have a dead card (at least not yet). You do however have
>a slight problem in that the Bustek driver (thats the bt0 line) thinks
>it recognizes your card. I believe the only way to fix that under
>NetBSD is to recompile your kernel, take out the bt* driver, and put
>in the aha* driver.
Yes, this was in fact the problem. I was running 1.2BETA GENERIC
OTHER, which, as I found out later, does not have AHA support.
I will toast that bt driver.
Thanx to all those who replied.