Subject: Re: Keyboard goes away on DEC 425SL with -current kernel
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/1997 23:21:50
In message <>, 
Mike Richardson wrote:

->   I recently recompiled a kernel from -current to use on my
-> notebook. The keyboard doesn't work... More details:


->   I'm beginning to get suspicious of perhaps the delay macros...

	I think I'm seeing something quite similar to your woes on my
	486/33 box... My -current kernels (from vintages sometime in the
	first week of January to now) fail to recognize my single 3.5"
	floppy drive.  I can boot off the drive, and a stock 1.2 boot
	disk probes and attaches it quite fine.

	The message I get in fd.c if I turn on the FD debug code is:
		fdcresult: 70 0 
	(or something quite close to that, as I'm doing this from memory)

	My suspicion was also the delay macros, but I didn't loop all that
	hard at it other than building a kernel with a debug fd.c and taking
	DUMMY_NOPS out of the kernel config file... neither of those got me 
	very far :-/

	If you (or someone else on the lists) find something interesting out, 
	pass the good news along... I'd love to get a working floppy, as 
	that's currently the only way I can carry stuff from one machine to 
	the other reliably (my thinnet cabling seems leaking ether lately...)


Rafal Boni