Subject: Re: xntpd going wild
To: None <,>
From: Don Lewis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/12/1997 02:09:43
On Mar 12, 10:51am, Markus Kilbinger wrote:
} Subject: Re: xntpd going wild
} >>>>> "Curt" == Curt Sampson <> writes:
} Curt> On my NetBSD-current (as of early to mid Feburary) i386
} Curt> system, xntpd3-5.88 quite regularly seems to go into a spin,
} Curt> eating all the CPU time it can grab and doing nothing
} Curt> else. This has happened once or twice on a NetBSD-1.2 system
} Curt> as well. It doesn't happen at all on my Sparc-current of the
} Curt> same vintage. Has anyone else seen this?
} Yes, me, on a DEC AXP under DU3.2C with xntpd3-5.89. I couldn't find
} the exact reason, but after reading more of the docs I got the
} impression offering too many xntpd servers in the ntp.conf file can
} confuse the daemon.
That's not the reason, though. There was a bug causing an infinite loop
in the 3-5.88 and 3-5.89 vintages. It was fixed sometime after the
release of 3-5.89. Your best bet is to get{,-export}.tar.gz (though even that
may have problems if you have a hardware reference clock attached) or
--- Truck