Subject: Re: new SSTO boot floppy available + new boot blocks
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/20/1997 20:08:15
> >> NetBSD BOOT: 2147418752/2147421568 k [2.0Beta ]
> I wish I had that much memory ;) The low 16 bits of those numbers are 640
> and 3456, which are the correct values.
Yup, I spent half of yesterday debugging this; it's the result of a
botched zero-extension of a 16-bit BIOS return value.
This was due to a very obscure bug in
sys/arch/i386/stand/lib/biosmem.S; I committed the fix yesterday.
> So, I let it continue, and after loading stuff off the floppy and printing
> the number+number+number+[etc...]=whatever thing, it prints:
> warning: too little memory available; running in degraded mode
> press a key to confirm
right, the code was confused by the boot blocks; it thinks it's
running with a negative amount of memory.
> So I press a key and get the Copyright the Regents of the Univ. of
> California message, then it reboots. :(
Perry: please re-gen the SSTO floppy image with the fixes I committed
- Bill