Subject: Re: X11
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/27/1997 20:41:39
Takaaki Nomura wrote:
> I can build XF86Setup with make World by specifying the following stuff
> to host.def. The binary of XFree86 3.2A XF86Setup is X32Aset.tgz. X32AVG16.
> tgz is also required.
> #define HasTk YES
> #define TkLibDir /usr/local/lib
> #define TkIncDir /usr/local/include
> #define TkLibName tk41
> #define HasTcl YES
> #define TclLibDir /usr/local/lib
> #define TclIncDir /usr/local/include
> #define TclLibName tcl75
Thank you, that is much neater (I was defining things like BuildXKB