Subject: 386 and Serial I/O --- making a decision.
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Gilbert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/08/1997 00:21:13
I honestly have to make a decision. The sole purpose of the
40Mhz 386 is to run my modems. Somewhere back before 1.2, there were
patches that made this work rather well. I was under some mistaken
impression that this had made it into 1.2 when I upgraded. It has
As it stands, my 386 has problems receving faxes (at both 9600
and 14400) and almost never completely transfers UUCP batches at
28800. I need to decide if I'm going to go for FreeBSD on this issue
I can say I really don't want to... my other systems run
NetBSD. And I can say that I know someone is working on this problem
--- or was. I've built several current kernels lately, but none seem
to show improvement. I also know that this is largely due to broken
old hardware too --- but my modem still doesn't function.
Now... anther possibility is to get one of those serial
boards. Any recomendations there? I don't want to trade one hassle
for another.
|David Gilbert, PCI, Richmond Hill, Ontario. | Two things can only be |
|Mail: | equal if and only if they |
| | are precisely opposite. |