Subject: Re: Znyx multi channel ethernet cards
To: Christoph Badura <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/08/1997 14:23:18
Cristoph Badura wrote:
> (Wolfgang Solfrank) writes:
> >Excuse the late entry into this, but what is the problem with only one
> >ethernet address for all interfaces?
> Nothing. That's how it was originally intended to be done: a single Ethernet
> address per machine.
"Nothing wrong in theory", as opposed to "bad in practice." Some switches
will not allow duplicate MAC addresses regardless of whether the switch
ports are carved into multiple VLANs or not. A typical router shouldn't
care though, as it stores ip address, MAC, and the interface in the ARP
> >AFAIK, e.g. Suns always use the same ethernet address for all their
> >interfaces, don't they?
> They do. At least for the Sun interfaces.
Yup, Sun answered the "can I load balance across multiple ports on a switch?"
question, before it was even asked.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.