Subject: Re: Danger: Hardware Recommendation Request
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/17/1997 09:49:54
On Wed, 16 Apr 1997 wrote:
> Aron T. Roberts drunkenly mumbled...
> >
> > * Adaptec 2940UW
> ok, this is sorta a hardware recommendation from the purely hardware aspect
> as well as a request for info on how well this hardware is supported.
> i am a HUGE fan of DPT SCSI hosts. they do indeed kick ass. if you are
> looking for stability and speed all in one package, then DPT is the way to
> go. HOWEVER, i have no idea a) if these things are even supported in NetBSD
> and b) if they are, how well the drivers work.
There isn't a driver at present, though they (dpt) have a BSDI (?) driver
kit on their web site.
I must second your recomendation of them. I've never used one of their
controllers, but I have one in the 486 I use. Unfortunately during setup,
it seems to have lost its little mind (I think one of the driver chips got
Their tech help was VERY HELPFUL. They put a lot of effort into someone
who had an old controller. I was VERY pleased.
Take care,