Subject: Re: Radius (Livingston) on NetBSD
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/23/1997 12:25:15
> From: Jukka Marin
>> On Tue, Apr 22, 1997 at 06:28:25PM -0400, Andrew Brown wrote:
>> sure, it sort of accomplishes the same kind of thing, but it's
>> not nice, is it? i made a program that has a velocity control
>> in it (for things that die too quickly) and logs all output to
>> syslog (instead of losing it to /dev/null or /dev/console.
>I once thought of writing such a program myself. I think it would be
>useful. Or maybe a daemon with a config file to start multiple
>programs (kind of init2)?
i wrote one a while ago and my latest use for it was keeping a *heavily*
loaded msql (version 1) server up. it kept crahing. so i polished off
the program and now msql goes and goes and goes (and dies and gets
restarted nigh-instantly) and i have no (okay, almost no) database down
it does make some assumptions about the process that would have to be
reworked (slightly) to get it to serve more than one process (eg, from
a config file) but it works fine. and the velocity control thing would
have to be reworked completely (ala inetd i guess) to slow down respawns
that are too quick (someone started the msql daemon without this program
and then ran this program and the second msqld kept dying instantly
because it couldn't get the tcp port, filled up my logs quickly :).
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