Subject: 8-bit clean editor (for cxterm editing)?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Terry Moore <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/25/1997 00:56:43
This seems to be my 24-hours for bugging folks. (Thanks to everyone
for the IPX pointers.) I managed to get cxterm (a Chinese Hanzi-
compatible Xterm) installed and working [one patch required for X11R6,
available on request]. Now I need a text editor for NetBSD-i386 that
will actually display the characters. I can capture the characters
just fine, but it is awkward composing in VI because it always converts
the characters to hex (or octal if I set octal on....)
For various reasons, a vi-class editor would be preferred to an emacs-
class editor. I need something reasonably small, and preferably something
known to work with cxterm.
Thanks in advance,
--Terry Moore tel: +1-607-277-1029 fax: +1-607-277-6844