Subject: Re: Floppy controller tape drives...
To: i386 NetBSD Mailing List <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/11/1997 16:08:12
Peter Seebach drunkenly mumbled...
> I don't recall seeing these discussed before.  I got one of these as
> a cheap way to preserve the important things I do on the Windows side
> of my PC (game save files, mostly), but I was thinking it'd be cool to
> be able to write to these from NetBSD.  I have an iomega "ditto" internal
> tape drive.  It can store up to 800 MB per tape, which in my case proves
> to be 120... and it runs on the *floppy* controller, at an astounding
> maximum of 500kb/second.  (*bits*, not bytes.)

i don't know how useful it is, but you could always check out the FT drivers
for Linux which come in a seperate archive and are pretty much unrelated to
the kernel at this time (as far as i know, never really follow the FT stuff
when i used linux)

> While this is inarguably a fairly pathetic rate, it's better than
> using floppies, but I don't see any support.  How hard would this
> likely be?  Any interest?

honestly? i never got into the FT style drives as i thought them to be rather
goofy, plus i've been using SCSI for the last 6 years, so i tend to only deal
with SCSI devices. (don't even use IDE or EIDE)  but the FreeBSD and Linux FT
drivers would be a good place to start to try and get the thing working.


"Yes, evil comes in many forms, whether it be a man-eating cow or
 Joseph Stalin, but you can't let the package hide the pudding!  Evil
 is just plain bad!  You don't cotton to it.  You gotta smack it in the
 nose with the rolled-up newspaper of goodness!  Bad dog!  Bad dog!"
                                --The Tick