Subject: Re: PCMCIA support fails on Peacock Challenger 590
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/1997 08:20:27
>>>>> "MS" == Matthias Scheler <> writes:
MS> In article <5lgdsr$>,
MS> (Matthias Scheler) writes:
MS> pcicmaster0 at isa0 port 0x3e0-0x3e1
MS> pcic0 at pcicmaster0: Intel 82365sl Rev. 0 slots 0-1 iomem d4000-d4fff irq 11
MS> pcmcia0 at pcic0
MS> pcmcia0: slot 0 contains <3Com Corporation, 3C589, TP/BNC LAN Card Ver. 1a, 000001>
MS> But afterwards the driver can't attach it:
MS> pcmcia0: slot 0 requested irq 10, avail_mask 0
MS> bus_config 19
MS> pcmcia0: slot 0: No matching config entry.
MS> pcmcia0: slot 1 is empty
MS> But I *have* an entry for the card in the configuration file. I've
MS> attached the kernel configuration, maybe I'm missing something.
I suspect you're running into bugs in the pcmcia code--part of the
reason it really needs to be redone from scratch.
The particular message you quote above (avail_mask 0) means the pcmcia
code thinks there are no IRQs acceptable to the 3c589 card, and so it
punts on configuring the card. Try turning on PCMCIA_ISA_DEBUG to get
more details, but I'm not sure it will help in the end.