Subject: Re: true-parity RAM versus psuedo-parity RAM
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Ronald Khoo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/22/1997 07:32:02
> My suspicion is that it would not work in many models of Sparc. My
> IPX takes parity 72-pin SIMMs, but appears to use only one bit for
> parity for each 32-bit word. (It came with 33-bit-wide SIMMs.)
> 36-bit wide SIMMs work just fine, but I expect that 32-bit wide
> SIMMs that generate four parity bits for each of the four bytes of
> a 32-bit word would not work.
On reflection, you may well be right. On the other hand, the sparc
does know the difference between 33 and 36 bit memory (it displays it
on bootup when diag-switch is true). What it does then I have no idea.
I guess the question then belongs to port-sparc :-)
Ronald Khoo <> Voice: +44 181 371 1000 Fax: +44 181 371 1150