Subject: Re: true-parity RAM versus psuedo-parity RAM
To: Ronald Khoo <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/22/1997 09:18:34
Ronald Khoo drunkenly mumbled...
> > My suspicion is that it would not work in many models of Sparc. My
> > IPX takes parity 72-pin SIMMs, but appears to use only one bit for
> > parity for each 32-bit word. (It came with 33-bit-wide SIMMs.)
> > 36-bit wide SIMMs work just fine, but I expect that 32-bit wide
> > SIMMs that generate four parity bits for each of the four bytes of
> > a 32-bit word would not work.
> On reflection, you may well be right. On the other hand, the sparc
> does know the difference between 33 and 36 bit memory (it displays it
> on bootup when diag-switch is true). What it does then I have no idea.
> I guess the question then belongs to port-sparc :-)
NOW we are getting back into my territory. :) it is rather difficult to find
a sun box (sun3 or sun4) that will accept peudo-parity RAM. if you actually
get it to work, you either own one of the i think 1 machines Sun made that will
deal with pseudo-parity or you just got real lucky. this goes for 72-pin and
30-pin memory. (not counting the weird proprietary RAM like my sparc5 uses)
generally if sun's detect 33 bit memory (for 72-pin models) it usually breaks
mediately after. of course there are exceptions. :)
I'm asking because I've got two VS3100's in need of a real and pleasant to
use operating system. (VMS is unpleasant and Ultrix is not a real OS).
-Brian D Chase (asking about NetBSD support of the VS3100)