Subject: Re: Shared IRQs (WAS: Problems talking to Zoom internal at com3)
To: None <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/22/1997 17:30:29
Jason Thorpe drunkenly mumbled...
> ...this is actually somewhat dependent on the bus. PCI, for example,
> will share IRQs, and it is safe for PCI to do so. This is _not_ always
> the case on ISA, and IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR HARDWARE. Since it is _sometimes_
> safe, NetBSD allows it. As a general rule, though, if an IRQ is to be
> shared, it must be share the same "type", i.e. edge with edge, level with
> level, pulse with nothing.
but then again, how many serial cards do you know that use PCI??
I'm asking because I've got two VS3100's in need of a real and pleasant to
use operating system. (VMS is unpleasant and Ultrix is not a real OS).
-Brian D Chase (asking about NetBSD support of the VS3100)